Clyde Fans

Clyde Fans

  • 定價:2088

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  • 創作蓬勃,作者也得爭存活:2020年安古蘭漫畫節側記


    第47屆法國安古蘭國際漫畫節2月2日落幕。這場國際漫壇年度盛會,再次以豐富多元的展覽、講座等活動款待來自世界各地的漫迷。值得一提的是,這場漫畫產業盛事背後,有一群法國漫畫家擴大幾年來的「漫畫家權益」運動,在漫畫節期間罷工,工會代表也與來訪的法國總統馬克宏會面陳情,並在頒獎典禮上集體 more


"Open Clyde Fans and let Seth take you into his time machine. There's no room for nostalgia in Seth's vision. The past is as sharp and painful as the present. In fact, the past is the present, conjured in words and pictures, existing in the spaces between what's said and unsaid, what's seen and unseen... In the end, as we close the pages on Simon and Abe, we might feel -- even for just a moment -- that we finally know what time looks like."--Brian Selznick, New York Times Book Review

A masterful work about a failing family business and the ensuing erosion of sibling relations and one's sanity

Twenty years in the making, Clyde Fans peels back the optimism of mid-twentieth century capitalism. The legendary Canadian cartoonist Seth lovingly shows the rituals, hopes, and delusions of a middle class that has long ceased to exist in North America--garrulous men in wool suits extolling the virtues of their wares to taciturn shopkeepers with an eye on the door. Much like the myth of an ever-growing economy, the Clyde Fans family unit is a fraud--the patriarch has abandoned the business to mismatched sons, one who strives to keep the business afloat and the other who retreats into the arms of the remaining parent.

Abe and Simon Matchcard are brothers, the second generation struggling to save their archaic family business of selling oscillating fans in a world switching to air-conditioning. At the center of Clyde Fans's center is Simon, who flirts with becoming a salesman as a last-ditch effort to leave the protective walls of the family home but is ultimately unable to escape Abe's critical voice in his head. As the business crumbles, so does any remaining relationship between the brothers, both of whom choose very different life paths but still end up utterly unhappy.

Seth's intimate storytelling and gorgeous art allow urban landscapes and detailed period objects to tell their own stories as the brothers struggle to keep from suffocating in an airless city home. An epic time capsule of a story line that begs rereading.



Seth is the cartoonist behind the comic book series Palookaville, which started as a pamphlet and is now a semiannual hardcover. His comics have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Best American Comics, and Timothy McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern. His illustrations have appeared in numerous publications, including the cover of TheNew Yorker, TheWalrus, and Canadian Notes & Queries. He is Lemony Snicket’s partner for the series All the Wrong Questions and he designs several classic comics reprint series, notably collections of work by Charles Schulz, John Stanley, and Doug Wright.

He was the subject of the National Film Board documentary Seth’s Dominion. Seth lives in Guelph, Canada, with his wife, Tania, and two cats in a house he has named Inkwell’s End.



  • ISBN:9781770463578
  • 規格:精裝 / 488頁 / 23.1 x 17 x 5.1 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國




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